女性的乳房随着年龄的増长不断发生变化丰胸食物。尤其是妇女产后体内激素水平的变化,使乳腺小叶及其结缔组织萎缩丰胸产品,皮肤及固定乳房的韧带松弛,致使乳房松弛无力而下垂。因而需要通过按摩手法对乳房进行全方位调理丰胸,激发荷尔蒙分泌, 延缓乳房衰老,达到美胸效果产后丰胸方法
女性的乳房随着年龄的増长不断发生变化丰胸食物。尤其是妇女产后体内激素水平的变化,使乳腺小叶及其结缔组织萎缩丰胸产品,皮肤及固定乳房的韧带松弛,致使乳房松弛无力而下垂。因而需要通过按摩手法对乳房进行全方位调理丰胸,激发荷尔蒙分泌, 延缓乳房衰老,达到美胸效果产后丰胸方法


Baan Lae Suan Fair 2018

Home / Update / Baan Lae Suan Fair 2018

Furnia joined the Baan Lae Suan Fair 2018, held from August 4th - 12th, 2018 at BITEC.

In this fair, we took the opportunity to display our collection pieces of furniture to the public. Most importantly, we displayed for the very first time our newly launch collection "Ratti".

"Ratti" was designed by Khun Parakorn Sawatdee as our latest collection. Inspired by an ideal of a grasp of Milky Sunlight Way appears in the dark night. The designer used black mable with the white vein to come out with this design. Highly artistic and contemporarily art designed that worth for collection.


Please do not loose your chance to meet our BENJA at Baan Lae Suan Fair 2018!!!